Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Advice regarding Palestine from Shaykh Fawzan, Hafidahullah -

Earlier this evening Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan, via his open question-answer session on PalTalk, was asked about the position of a Muslim concerning what is happening now to our brothers (and sisters) in Palestine, with respect to supplication, giving wealth or making jihaad with them.

So he replied: “It is obligatory upon the Muslims to make supplication for their Muslim brothers and to assist them with wealth. To assist them with wealth and supplication, this is what is obligatory, and this is what will benefit them.”

Then the Shaykh was asked, “May Allaah be benevolent to you. And this questioner says, “What is the ruling pertaining to demonstrations, and are they considered to be from jihaad in the path of Allaah?”

So he replied: “There is no benefit in demonstrations. Rather they are confusion. They are from confusion, disorder. And what harm will be done to the enemy if the people demonstrate a street amongst the streets and raise their tongues?! Rather, this is from the matters on account of which the enemy actually rejoices, and so he says that he has harmed them and cause damage to them, so the enemy rejoices with this.

Islaam is a religion of sanctity, and religion of tranquility, a religion based upon knowledge, it is not a religion of confusion and noise. It is a religion that aims to bring about tranquility and sanctity, alongside the working of beneficial and praisworthy deeds, such as aiding the Muslims and supplicating for them, and providing them with wealth and weapons. This is praiseworthy, and also arguing for their case with the nations, so that the oppression can be raised from them. And that the nations are asked, those who claim democracy for themselves, they should be asked to give those Muslims their right, and the right of a human is what they themselves boast about! However, in their view the human is the disbeliever, and as for the Muslim in their view, he is not a human but a terrorist. They call the Muslims “terrorists”. And the disbeliever is the one who has rights, in their view!

So it us upon the Muslims to traverse upon the manhaj of Islaam in the likes of these affairs and other than them. Islaam did not come with demonstrations and clangor, and raising of the voices, or destruction of the state properties, or transgression. All of this is not from Islaam, it does not benefit, rather this harms the Muslims and does not harm the enemy. This harms the Muslims and does not harm their enemies. Rather their enemies rejoice with this, and he says, “I have affected them, I have made them angry, and I have affected them.”

Credit: IGNITE THE LIGHT WITHIN~ by Umm Travis on December 30, 2008.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Saudi Scholar, ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Ubaykan’s 7/7 Anniversary Warning Against Extremists

O Muslims Overseas! Beware of Conspirators

Shaikh ‘Abdul-Muhsin ‘Ubaykaan
6 July 2006-07-08
Taken from the paper ‘Ash-Sharaq Al-Awsat’

Read Original in Arabic

At this time last year a great evil took place. It visibly affected peoples’ wealth and lives, and injured the image of Islam and the Muslims throughout the whole world.

This time last year attacks were made against the London underground system and (London) buses and explosions went off. Tens of people died and were injured, as a result of these (actions).

Some Muslim youth, who reside in those lands, carried out these disgraceful acts.

What is the correct stance that the Muslim should adopt towards this type of activity?
What advice is it incumbent upon us to offer to the Muslims abroad?

I say that there is not a shadow of doubt that a small group of people, whom ascribe themselves to Islam, have arisen, in the last few years, traversing upon the methodology of the kharijites (a deviant sect) of the past.

This (deviant sect) have left the religion like an arrow leaves its prey. Actually, this present group of people could possibly be viewed as being more astray and misguided than the original kharijites, because they have not only declared Muslims to be infidels and killed them but, instead, they have added to this by violating their covenants and transgressing against the people of the book and other than them, who have agreements with the Muslims; even the kharijtes of the past never done this. So pay attention oh my Muslim brother.

Islam has not sanctioned this type of activity. Opposite to that, Islamic law warns against these acts in the clearest fashion and discourages going down these paths.
On top of that, even Arab and Islamic customs reject these appalling acts that deeply damage the image of Islam. This has caused many non-Muslims to flee from Islam and shun its people.

For this reason, the attacks against London last year that were carried out by some misguided, astray Muslim youth are forbidden. Especially, (bearing in mind) that they killed tens of innocent people with their bombs. These (youth) have committed a grave sin. In the light of Islamic law, this is viewed as a violation of a covenant and treachery. An affair that has resulted in many negatives which have (damaged) the co-existence of these people, and I am referring to how the British people (interact) with the Muslims who reside in those lands.

These bombings have placed the rest of the Muslims of Britain in a difficult situation and, perhaps, caused some aggravation. The least of them being that this has portrayed the Muslims as a possible security threat.

It is not acceptable to reserve the slightest doubt about the fact that those responsible for the bombings in London and any other similar acts have carried out something forbidden in the light of Islamic law. No matter what excuses they offer. I say (for arguments sake) even if the non-Muslims, whom we were residing in their lands, were at war with us and we entered their lands and remained there with an agreement of their protection, it is impermissible to deceive and betray them. The people of knowledge, like Ibn Qudaamah in Al-Mughni (a famous piece of classical Islamic jurisprudence), have mentioned this in the books of Islamic jurisprudence

Therefore, there is no ambiguity that these bombings of the subway in London were a blatant form of deception.

My advice to my Muslim brothers who are residing in Britain, in the west generally or in any non-Muslim land is to be cautious of those conspirators amongst you, who falsely claim that they are implementing the correct Islam. In reality, these people strive to destroy the relationship that (the rest of the Muslims) have with their countries that have hosted them for their whole life.

Also, their activities deprive them (i.e. the rest of the Muslims) of the benefits of life, ruin their relationship with their hosting nations and citizens, spoil their reputation before the people and damage the rights they have acquired.

It is upon the Muslims in those lands to work together to uproot this deviant group, if advice brings no fruits, they should abandon and shun them, and inform upon every trouble maker from amongst them. To allow the rest of the Muslims in that land can live in peace and spread the true Islam. They should be torches of light and guidance, guiding the people to the magnificence and excellence of this great religion that Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, revealed as a mercy for the whole of mankind.

Islamic Scholar ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abbad On Killing Non-Muslims

This is an extract, with some abridgement, from the book, “With Which Religion and Intellect are Suicide Bombings and Destruction Considered Jihad?” by the senior contemporary Islamic Scholar from Saudi Arabia, Shaikh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abbad.


The killing of a dhimmee (free non-Muslim), mu’aahad (one under a treaty or truce) and musta‘man (one under the guarantee of protection) is unlawful. Indeed, a severe threat has been mentioned concerning that.

Indeed, al-Bukhaaree relates in his Saheeh (no. 3166), from ’Amr Ibn ’Abdullaah (radiyallaahu ’anhumaa), from the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) who said, “Whosoever kills a person who was a mu’aahad, he will not be able to smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance can be smelled for the walking distance of forty years.”

This is mentioned by al-Bukhaaree in the book of al-jizyah (taxes for disbelievers) under the chapter, “Chapter: The sin of the one who kills a mu’aahad who has not committed any crime.”

And he mentions it in the book of compensations, under the chapter, “Chapter: The sin of the one who kills a dhimmee who has not committed any crime.” And it also occurs under the wording, “Whosoever kills a person who was mu’aahad will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its smell can be found for the walking distance of forty years.”

Stated al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr in al-Fath (12/259), (commenting upon the action of al-Bukhaaree in the manner compiling these statements under these chapter headings), “Likewise, he brought the chapter heading of the dhimmee, yet he mentioned the mu’aahad. And in the chapter heading of al-jizyah (taxes for non-Muslims), he brought the wording, “Whosoever kills a mu’aahad…” as is apparent in the narration. So the intended meaning of this is that whosoever has a treaty with the Muslims, whether it be by agreement of a jizyah, or a truce with a Muslim ruler, or protection from a Muslim.”

And this hadeeth is related by an-Nisaa‘ee with the wording “Whosoever kills a person from amongst the people of dhimmah (protection), then he will not find the fragrance of Paradise, even though the fragrance of Paradise can be found for the walking distance of forty years.”

And he also relates it (no. 4749) with a saheeh isnaad, from a man from amongst the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “Whosoever kills a man from amongst the people of dhimmah, then he will not be able to find the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance can be found for the walking distance of forty years.”

As for killing the one under protection unintentionally, then Allaah has obligated a compensation and retribution for it. Allaah the Mighty and Majestic said,

And if he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance, compensation must be paid to his family, and a believing slave must be freed. And whosoever finds this beyond his means, then he must fast for two consecutive months, in order to seek repentance from Allaah. And Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (an-Nisaa‘ 4:92)

And I say in conclusion: Fear Allaah – O youth – with regards to yourselves. Do not become prey for Satan. He gathers up for you the dishonour of this worldly life and the punishment of the Hereafter. And fear Allaah with regards to the Muslims, from amongst the elderly, the middle-aged and the youth. And fear Allaah with regards to the Muslim women, from amongst the mothers, daughters, sisters, maternal aunts and paternal aunts. And fear Allaah with regards to the elderly who ware bowing and the babies who are breastfeeding. And fear Allaah with regards to the spilling the blood of the innocent and the wealth of the unlawful.

So fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones. (al-Baqarah 2:24)

And fear a day when you shall be brought back to Allaah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.” (Sooratul-Baqarah 2:281)

On the day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil.” (Soorah Aali-’Imraan 3:30)

The day when a man shall flee from his brother, and his mother and his father, and from his wife and his children. Every man, that day, will have enough to make him careless of others.” (Soorah ’Abasa 80:37)

Awaken from your slumber and become attentive from your heedlessness. Do not be the riding animal for Satan to cause corruption in the earth.

And I ask Allaah the Mighty and Majestic to grant the Muslims understanding of their Religion, and to safeguard them from the misguidance of tribulations (fitan), whatever is apparent from them and whatever is hidden. And may the salutations, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon His servant and Messenger, Muhammad, upon his family and all of his Companions.

Shaikh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Ubaykan’s Debates With Terrorists Leads Them To Recant and Repent - The Issue of Removing Non-Muslims From the Arab Peninsula

Ash-Sharq al-Awsat published an interview between Turki as-Suhail and the Saudi Scholar, ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Ubaykan on 12th September 2005. We reproduce below some extracts from it that highlight important Islamic issues, regarding which the extremists and terrorists had been misled by their ideological figureheads. A very large number of these people, who were youth poisoned by evil people like Abu Qatada al-Filisteeni and Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (’Isam Barqawi) repented and recanted from their falsehood, on account of these dialogues.

Turki as-Suhail: What about removing the non-believers from the Arab peninsula?

‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Ubaykan: This is another issue prominent amongst the wanted men. We tell them that removing non-believers from the Arab peninsula in context of the hadith (of the Prophet) is not how they interpret it.

This is because the area the Prophet (peace be upon him) was concerned about removing the non-believers from was that surrounding the two Sacred Mosques and not other areas such as the Eastern Province or other regions in Arabia.

Another point is that there were non-believers who lived in Arabia during the Caliphs’ times. Muslim men married non-Muslim women and lived together in the region.

I even found fatwas for Shaikh Mohammad Ibn Uthaimeen who supported this notion.

A third point is that this issue is the business of the country’s guardians rather than the people. The Caliph Abu Bakr did not have the Jews removed from Medina during his time, nor did he ask ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab to do so either.

A fourth point is that even if non-believers are to leave the region, it does not mean violating their properties or permitting their bloodshed. Furthermore, having them leave the region is related to what is in the best (interest) and it is not an indefinite general predicament.

Kingdom Arrests 208 Militants, Terror Financiers

JEDDAH, 29 November 2007 — Saudi authorities yesterday announced the arrest of 208 terror suspects, including 32 terror financiers and a 16-member media cell, adding that some of the suspects had planned to attack oil installations in the Eastern Province.Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki, spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said the arrests took place following pre-emptive operations carried out by security forces over the last few months. He said the suspects had been influenced by a deviant ideology.

“Security forces foiled an impending attack on a support oil facility in the Eastern Province,” the spokesman said, adding that an eight-member cell led by an expatriate man was behind the plan.

The expatriate explained to police how he mobilized other militants to carry out the attack after encouraging them to take part in suicide operations inside and outside the Kingdom.

The arrested militants also included an 18-member cell, which had smuggled eight missiles into the Kingdom in order to launch terrorist operations, the Saudi Press Agency quoted the spokesman as saying. An infiltrator, who is an expert in missile launching, headed the team, he added.

“There was a 22-member cell which formed a special team to assassinate Islamic scholars and security officers,” Al-Turki said. The assassination move came after imams and khateebs across the country joined the fight against terrorism and extremism. “As many as 112 suspects were arrested for coordinating with foreign parties to facilitate the travel of militants to disturbed regions,” he said in reference to those that convince Saudis to travel to Iraq in order to fight alongside insurgents.

Al-Turki said the arrested terror financiers included Saudis as well as expatriates, adding that they had provided financial support to Al-Qaeda militants in the Kingdom and abroad.

Speaking about the media cell that was operating in Madinah to promote deviant ideologies and thoughts, he said the cell had provided militants every encouragement to commit various crimes. The media cell published a news bulletin named Sada Al-Rafidain (Echo of Iraq) and facilitated the travel of militants to the war-torn country.

During the security operations police confiscated a number of means of communication and documents, the spokesman said. Details of the confiscated items will not be disclosed at present in order to protect public interest. “Investigations made with the help of arrested militants have also led to information about persons who have links with the militants,” the spokesman said.

The Interior Ministry called upon Saudis who have been approached by deviant ideologists to contact the nearest security agency if they are in the Kingdom or the nearest Saudi mission abroad to clarify their stand. “This will be taken into consideration when dealing with their cases,” the spokesman said.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salih al 'Uthaymeen, Rahimahullah ta'ala on Khawarij

Do The Teachings of Islam Encourage Terrorism?

In recent years, a great deal of attention in the media have been given to the threat of "Islaamic Fundamentalism". Unfortunately, due to a twisted mixture of biased reporting in the Western media and the actions of some ignorant Muslims, the word "Islaam" has become almost synonymous with "terrorism". However, when one analyses the situation, the question that should come to mind is:

Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism?

The answer: Certainly not!

Islam totally forbids the terrorist acts that are carried out by some misguided people. It should be remembered that all religions have cults and misguided followers, so it is their teachings that should be looked at, not the actions of a few individuals. Unfortunately, in the media, whenever a Muslim commits a heinous act, he is labeled a "Muslim terrorist".

However, when Serbs murder and rape innocent women in Bosnia, they are not called "Christian terrorists", nor are the activities in Northern Ireland labeled "Christian terrorism". Also, when right-wing Christians in the U. S. bomb abortion clinics, they are not called "Christian terrorists". Reflecting on these facts, one could certainly conclude that there is a double-standard in the media! Although religious feelings play a significant role in the previously mentioned "Christian" conflicts, the media does not apply religious labels because they assume that such barbarous acts have nothing to do with the teachings of Christianity. However, when something happens involving a Muslim, they often try to put the blame on Islaam itself - and not the misguided individual.

Certainly, Islaamic Law (Sharee'ah) allows war - any religion or civilisation that did not would never survive - but it certainly does not condone attacks against innocent people, women or children. The Arabic word "jihaad", which is often translated as "Holy War", simply means "to struggle". The word for "war" in Arabic is "harb", not "jihaad". "Struggling", i.e. "making jihaad", to defend Islaam, Muslims or to liberate a land where Muslims are oppressed is certainly allowed (and even encouraged) in Islaam.

However, any such activities must be done according to the teachings of Islaam. Islaam also clearly forbids "taking the law into your own hands", which means that individual Muslims cannot go around deciding who they want to kill, punish or torture.

Trial and punishment must be carried out by a lawful authority and a knowledgeable judge. Also, when looking at events in the Muslim World, it should be kept in mind that a long period of colonialism ended fairly recently in most Muslim countries. During this time, the people in these countries were culturally, materially and religiously exploited - mostly by the so-called "Christian" nations of the West. This painful period has not really come to an end in many Muslim countries, where people are still under the control of foreign powers or puppet regimes supported by foreign powers.

Also, through the media, people in the West are made to believe that tyrants like Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Moamar Qaddafi in Libya are "Islaamic" leaders - when just the opposite is true. Neither of these rulers even profess Islaam as an ideology, but only use Islaamic slogans to manipulate their powerless populations. They have about as much to do with Islaam as Hitler had to do with Christianity! In reality, many Middle Eastern regimes which people think of as being "Islaamic" oppress the practice of Islaam in their countries. So suffice it to say that "terrorism" and killing innocent people directly contradicts the teachings of Islaam.

Prepared by: Abu 'Iyaad 


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In Light of the Somalian Piracy events.Shaikh Ibn Baz and Shaikh Ibn Jibreen on Hijacking and Kidnapping

   Shaikh Ibn Baz and Shaikh Ibn Jibreen on Hijacking and Kidnapping
Source: Kaifa Nu'aaliju Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem
Article ID : MNJ140002  

Imaam Ibn Baaz on Hijacking planes and kidnapping

"From that which is known to everyone who has the slightest bit of common sense is that hijacking airplanes and kidnapping children and the like are extremely great crimes, the world over. Their evil effects are far and wide, as is the great harm and inconvenience caused to the innocent; the total effect of which none can comprehend except Allaah.

Likewise, from that which is known is that these crimes are not specific to any particular country over and above another country, nor any specific group over and above another group, rather it encompasses the whole world.

There is no doubt about the effect of these crimes; so it is obligatory upon the governments and those responsible from amongst the scholars and other than them to afford these issues great concern, and to exert themselves as much as possible in ending this evil."

Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Kayfa Nu'aalij Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem - Page 108-109

Hijacking planes and ships

"Question: There are some people who hijack a plane or a ship, and do so to apply pressure upon the country to which this plane or ship is headed. It is possible they threaten to kill the passengers, and in some cases actually kill some of them, until their demands are met. So what is the ruling about such actions, especially since such actions terrify the passengers?

Response: It is upon (every) country to provide sufficient security to prevent the likes of these rebels from taking over (planes or ships). It is upon the (respective) country to provide every airline with security (whilst on their land) which is sufficient to resist any hijack attempts by the aggressors; just as they should also co-ordinate a full (passenger) inspection prior to (their) boarding. Thus, they should not permit anyone to proceed (to board) until after they have ascertained that no-one is in possession of weapons even if it be (a piece of) metal (bar or the like). In addition to this, some gangs force the aircraft to divert to another destination, so if there are (amongst the crew or passengers) anyone with sufficient physical training to overpower them, then the rebels' plans will be destroyed.

So there is no doubt that hijacking is a mistake, ignorance and falsehood. Further, it is a transgression beyond the limits causing terror to the passengers, and threatening them with that which they have no power to carry out, and Allaah knows best."

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Kayfa Nu'aalij Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem - Page 113

Friday, October 31, 2008

Is It a Religion of Terror?

Source: Invitation to Islam Newsletter []
Published: October 1998

One of the many short comings which have arisen in the West is judging Islam by the conduct of a minority of its people. By doing this, segments of Western society have deliberately played off the desperate actions of many Muslims, and have given it the name of Islam. Such behaviour is clearly not objective and seeks to distort the reality of Islam.- Invitation to Islam
A bomb goes off in a marketplace in Jerusalem. A suicide bomber launches himself into a bus full of women and children in Tel Aviv. Foreign tourists get massacred at a holiday resort in Luxor, Egypt. Villages upon villages get annihilated in Algeria. The list of events worldwide which have come to symbolise the 'Islamic terror' are endless. From the times in the 70's and 80's when Pan Am and TWA aeroplanes would be highjacked, to the mid 80's in war torn Lebanon where Americans and Europeans would be held as hostages for years; all such incidents have come to be identified with the religion of Islam. Such incidents from past and present have undoubtedly affected Muslims worldwide and more so in the West. Any Muslim, who wants to practice his/her religion and expresses the pious desire to live under the banner of Islam, is labelled a fundamentalist or extremist. Any Muslim man who walks down a busy street in London or Paris (and Paris moreso) with a beard and a scarf on his head, is looked upon as being a potential terrorist who might have an AK47 stashed somewhere on his person. Muslim women who are veiled can't go anywhere in the Western world without being taunted as being oppressed or being mad (for covering up). However, are such beliefs and opinions about Islam really justified?
Exploding the myth
One of the many short comings which has arisen in the West, is judging Islam by the conduct of a minority of its people. By doing this, segments of Western society have deliberately played off the desperate actions of many Muslims, and have given it the name of Islam. Such behaviour is clearly not objective and seeks to distort the reality of Islam. For if such a thing was done Judge a religion by the conduct of its people) then we too could say that all Christianity is about is child molesting and homosexuality [1] whilst Hinduism was all about looting and breaking up mosques [2]. Generalising in such a manner is not seen as being objective, yet we find that the Western world is foremost in propagating this outlook on Islam. So what is the reality of Islam? How does one dispel the myths which have been created and spread so viciously? The only way to examine Islam is to simply examine its belief system. Look at its sources, the Qur'an and Sunna, and see what they have to say. This is the way to find the truth about what Islam says about terror, terrorism and terrorists. One who is sincerely searching for the truth, will do it no other way. The very name Islam comes from the Arabic root word 'salama' which means peace. Islam is a religion which is based upon achieving peace through the submission to the will of Allaah. Thus, by this very simple linguistic definition, one can ascertain as to what the nature of this religion is. If such a religion is based on the notion of peace, then how is it that so many acts done by its adherents are contrary to peace? The answer is simple. Such actions, if not sanctioned by the religion, have no place with it. They are not Islamic and should not be thought of as Islamic.

The word jihad sends shivers down the spines of many Westerners. They readily equate this term with violence and oppression. However, it must be said that the meaning of jihad, as a 'holy war', is something which is totally foreign and not from Islam. If anything, such a description belongs more so to Christianity and its adherents. It was terms like this which were used to justify the slaughter and pillage of towns and cities during the crusades by the Christians. By simply looking into the sources of Islam, one is able to know that the true meaning of jihad is to strive/make effort in the way of Allaah. Thus striving in the way of Allaah can be both peaceful and physical. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said: "The best jihad is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allaah, The Mighty and Majestic"[3]. In the Qur'an, Allah also says:
"So obey not the disbelievers, but make a great jihad (effort) against them (by preaching) with it(the Qur'an)"
(Al-Furqan, The Criterion 25:52).
By controlling and fighting against ones desires, the Muslims can then also physically exert themselves in the path of Allah. It is this physical or combative jihad which receives so much criticism. Because of the sheer ignorance of this type of jihad Islam is regarded as terror, and Muslims are regarded as terrorists. However, the very purpose of this physical jihad is to raise the word of Allaah uppermost. By doing this, it liberates and emancipates all those who are crying out for freedom all over the world. If the likes of the pacifists of this world had their way, then the world would indeed be full of anarchy and mischief. The combative jihad seeks to correct this as Allah says in the Qur'an:
"And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the Earth would be full of mischief. But Allah is full of bounty to the worlds"
(Al-Baqarah, The Cow 2:251).
Such would be the corruption on this Earth if there had never been a combative jihad that Allah says:
"For had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is mentioned much, would surely have been pulled down. Indeed Allaah will help those who help His (cause). Truly Allaah is All strong, All mighty"
(Al-Hajj, The Pilgrimage 22:40).
This combative jihad being both defensive and offensive, is something which is commanded by Allah upon the Muslims. Through this command the oppressed and weak are rescued from the tyranny of the world:
"And what is the matter with you that you do not fight in the cause of Allah and for those weak, ill treated and oppressed among men, women and children whose only cry is; 'Our Lord, rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors and raise for us from you one who will protect and raise for us from you one who will help"'
(An-Nisaa', The Women 4:75).
Anyone who knows the early history of Islam, will know that all those nations and empires which came under the fold of Islam were indeed previously oppressed. When the companions of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) went out for the offensive jihad against the Egyptians, the Persians and the Romans, we find that the people did not resist against them at all. Rather, they accepted Islam on such a scale, that it is inconceivable that the jihad of Islam could be anything other then a liberation for these people; a liberation from centuries of tyranny. In fact, with the Byzantine Egyptians and the people of Spain, the Muslims were even beckoned to come and liberate these lands from the oppression of their kings. This is the glorious track record of the Muslim jihad Compare this with the brutal track record of warfare in the Western world over the centuries. From the crusades against the Muslims to the days of colonial warfare, the Western world has killed, destroyed and plundered everything which has come in its way. Even today this merciless killing goes on by the Western nations. While claiming to be about world peace and security, Western nations are ready to bomb innocent civilians at the drop of a hat ('collateral damage' as it was coined). The classic example of this is the recent bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan. Whilst claiming that Sudan and Afghanistan were havens for Islamic terrorists, the bombings of these two nations could not have come at a better time for the American president Bill Clinton. The destruction of innocent lives which were a result of these bombings clearly seem to have been an attempt by Clinton to avert attention away from his sexual misdemeanours; [4] something which he so often gets caught up in. Without doubt this was the reason for such terror from the American military upon innocent people. This is the same American military which claims to enter the worlds trouble spots under the guise of being peace keepers. But
"… when it is said to them; 'Make not mischief on the Earth', they say; 'We are only peace makers'. Indeed they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive it not"
(Al-Baqarah, The Cow 2:11-12)

The Hypocrisy of the West is Indeed Astounding
By looking at the rules and regulations of this combative jihad it will be clear to any sincere person that this is indeed the religion of truth. When fighting an unjust enemy, no matter how unjust they are, it is forbidden by Islam that their retreating forces are mutilated, tortured or slaughtered. The treacherous violation of treaties and carrying out assassinations after a cease fire, are also prohibited. Allaah says in the Qur'an:
"And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you. But do not transgress the limits. Truly Allah loves not the transgressors"
(Al-Baqarah, The Cow 2:190).
Not transgressing the limits means not to kill women and children, for the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him)"forbade the killing of women and children" [5]. Not transgressing the limits means that the elderly, the sick, monks, worshippers and hired labourers are not attacked. Not transgressing the limits means not killing animals wantonly, burning crops and vegetation, polluting waters and destroying homes, monasteries, churches and synagogues:
"Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion, nor drove you out of your homes. Indeed, Allah loves those who deal with equity"
(Al-Mumtahinah, The Woman that Examines 60:8).
After reading such passages from the Qur'an and knowing about what Islam commands and prohibits in jihad, the rules of warfare are given a new meaning; a meaning of justice. How sad it is then, that whilst Islam is condemned for striking terror into the hearts of the people, the likes of the Serbs, the Indian army in Kashmir and the Israeli soldiers in Palestine are left untarnished for the atrocities they have committed in the name of warfare.
So what about suicide bombing, is this too a part of jihad in Allah's path? From what has already been stated above, it can be deduced that this is not from the religion. However, unfortunately many Muslims have taken suicide bombing as being a virtuous act by which one receives reward. This could not be further from the truth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Those who go to extremes are destroyed" [6]. Suicide bombing is undoubtedly an extremity which has reached the ranks of the Muslims. In the rules of warfare, we find no sanction for such an act from the behaviour and words of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) and his companions. Unfortunately, today (some misguided) Muslims believe that such acts are paving the way for an Islamic revival and a return to the rule of Islam's glorious law. However, we fail to bear in mind that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Do not be delighted by the action of anyone, until you see how he ends up" [7]. So, for example what is the end of a suicide bomber in Palestine?, a leg here, an arm there. Massive retaliation by the Israeli's in the West Bank and Gaza. More Muslims killed and persecuted. How can we be delighted with such an end? What really hammers the final nail in the coffin of this act, is that it is suicide; something which is clearly forbidden in Islam. The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: "He who kills himself with anything, Allaah will torment him with that in the fire of Hell" [8]. Some are under the misconception that by killing oneself for an Islamic cause, one commits an act which deserves Paradise. Once when a man killed himself, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "He is a dweller of the Fire". When the people were surprised at this, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "A person performs the deeds which to the people appears to be the deeds befitting the dweller of Paradise, but he is in fact one of the dwellers of the Fire" [9]. The taking of ones life which Allaah has given as a trust to the human, is a great sin. Likewise the taking of other lives (which is so often the case with suicide bombing) is also forbidden, as human life is indeed precious:
"...If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind"
(Al-Maa'ida, The Table Spread Out 5:32).
Thus, all other types of extremities such as hostage taking, hijacking and planting bombs in public places, are clearly forbidden in Islam.

The Media
By going through the teachings of Islam, it is clear that such a religion has only come to benefit mankind -not to destroy it. So why is there so much hatred for this noble religion in the West? The answer is simple, the media. It is the Jewish influenced media of the West which has portrayed Islam to be something that it is not. During the 70's and 80's when the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) were carrying out daring highjacks on the worlds airways, the media in the West portrayed it as being Islamic. When the Shi'ite suicide bombers of the 80's were causing so much havoc in the Lebanon and in the Gulf region, the media in the West portrayed it as a part of Islam. However, it is known by the heads of the media that the likes of the PLO were not an Islamic organisation, and that according to maintsteam Muslims and orthodox Islam, Shi'ites are outside the fold of Islam [10]. Yet such facts are never portrayed by a media which seeks to cover the truth of this religion. A number of years ago, when the Oklahoma City bomb went off, a headline in one of the newspapers, 'The Today' [11], summed up this attitude. With a picture of a fire fighter holding a dead child in his arms, the headline read:"In The Name of Islam" Time has of course proven that this bigoted assumption was incorrect, as Timothy McVeigh, a right wing radical now faces the death penalty for the crime [12]. Likewise the bombs which went off in the Paris metro in 1995, were also blamed on Muslim fanatics. It has now emerged that the Algerian secret service who having routinely bribed many European journalists and MPs, were actually behind it. The desire to throw a veil over Islam is immense by these people:
"They intend to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will complete His light even though the disbelievers hate (it)"
(As-Saff, The Rank 61:8).
Whilst trying to destroy Islam through this instrument of the media, the Jews clearly try to portray an image of themselves as being the oppressed people. Every year, we are reminded as to how many Jews perished under the Nazis in World War II. We are made to feel sorry for these same people who have gone on to commit so many crimes upon the Palestinian people. Some may say that this is a racist and biased viewpoint. But we say; If this media was not run and orchestrated by the Jews and was truly neutral, then why are Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, two former Israeli prime ministers, not held aloft as being terrorists? Anyone who knows about the history of the Palestinian occupation will tell you that these two men were members of the Stem Gang and Irgun, two notorious Jewish terror groups who killed many innocent people [13]. If this media was truly impartial, then why does it not tell about the extent of the Israeli bombardment and illegal occupation of Southern Lebanon and its people? [14] And if this media really had nothing against the religion of Allaah, then why does it not inform the people that every day hundreds are entering the religion of Islam? Such things will never be highlighted in the Western media, simply because to do so would be against their very interests.
With such immense pressure against it, it is indeed a blessing from Allah that Islam goes from strength to strength. It continues to grow faster then any other religion in the Western world, conquering the hearts and minds of thousands. All this should not even surprise us though, for Allah has promised us that this religion will prevail:
"It is He who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, so that He may make it victorious over all other religions, even though the disbelievers detest it"
(As-Saff, The Rank 61:9).
It is a must that humanity comes towards the religion of Islam. Without it, we will continue to slip down the road of inequity and darkness. With it we can establish a society of justice and peace. Religion of terror? ... no. The way forward? ... yes.
"There is no compulsion in religion. The right path has indeed become distinct from the wrong. So whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allaah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allaah is All Hearing, All Knowing"
(Al-Baqarah, The Cow 2:256)
1 By using the many cases of child abuse and homosexuality by priests, Such a generalisation about Christianity could be made 2 By using the incident of the destruction of the Babri mosque in Ayodya, India in December 1992 by Hindu zealots, such generalisations could be made about Hinduism 3 Authentic - Reported by At-Tabaranee 4 Years of sexual liaison with a White House aide, Monica Lewinski, has been proved against Mr Clinton. Since this time, a number of other women have also claimed that they have had affairs with the president. And this is the same man who propagates family values and to whom millions look up to! 5 Reported by Bukhari - Eng. Trans, Vol.4, p. 160, No. 258 6 Authentic - Reported by Ahmed 7 Authentic - Reported by Ahmed 8 Reported by Muslim - Eng. Trans, Vol. 1, p.62, No.203 9 Reported by Muslim - Eng. Trans, Vol. 1, p.64, No.206 10 The beliefs which are contained in the books of the Shi'ites places them outside of the fold of Islam generally. However, upon the individual Shi'ite, the proofs need to be established before one can say that helshe is a disbeliever 11 This newspaper no longer exists 12 It is strange indeed that whilst the Western media criticises Islamic law for being barbaric and harsh, not a word is said about the fact that McVeigh too will be executed just as someone would in an Islamic state 13 These two groups killed Arabs, Jews and the British. They are accredited with the massacre at the village of Deir Yassin, in which many innocent people were butchered 14 Despite the fact that the UN has even made a resolution against Israel for this illegal occupation, no 'democratic peace loving nation' (like the USA!!) has bothered to implement it.

Justice to all Mankind, Even Those Who Make an Enemy of Islam- Statements from Islamic Scholars, Past and Present

Source: []
Published: Oct. 2006

The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, informed us that Allah said:O My Servants, indeed I have prohibited injustice for myself, and I have prohibited it amongst you.”The noble scholar; ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Aal Ash Shaykh comments:This is general to all mankind, whether they are Muslim or not, it is not permissible for any one person to oppress another even if they were enemies or harbored hatred for one another. Enmity and hatred do not authorize anyone in the legislation of Islam to be unjust or practice oppression.”
The saying of Allah the Exalted:"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others allow you to avoid justice. Be just: that is closer to piety; and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do." [Al Maaidah: 8]
Ibn Katheer explains:“Do not let your hatred of a people cause you to be unjust to them, rather you must be just to everyone, friends or enemies, this is why Allah said: 'Be just: that is closer to piety' Meaning being just is closer to piety than being unjust.”At Tabari, a renowned scholar of the 8th century comments:“Do not let enmity between you and others cause you to be unjust in your dealings and rulings with them such that you oppress them due to the enmity that is between you.It has been stated that this verse was revealed when the Jews plotted to murder the Prophet.”Al Qurtubi, a scholar from the 12th century states:“This verse also proves that the disbelief of non-Muslims must not prevent us from being just to them...and it is not permissible for us to retaliate in the same manner, even if they kill our women and children and cause sorrow to befall us, it is not permissible for us to act likewise with the intention of making them feel grief and sorrow.”Allah the Elevated says:"Verily, Allah enjoins justice, beneficence, giving (help) to kith and kin, and forbids all forms of evil and Al-Munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islamic law and oppression). He admonishes you, that you may take heed.)." [An Nahl: 90]Ibn Katheer states:“Allah orders his servants with justice, which is fairness and equity, and encourages them to be beneficent.”Allah the Mighty says:"Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice." [Al Hadeed: 25]At Tabari comments:“Meaning: So that people may interact amongst each other with justice.”Allah the Merciful says:"That no burdened person (with sins) shall bear the burden (sins) of another." [An Najm: 38]Ibn Katheer comments:“Meaning: Anybody who has oppressed himself by disbelief or sins will be responsible for those sins, nobody else will carry the burden.”As Sa’di, a scholar of the 19th century explains:“…and no one shall bear the sin of another.”The noble scholar; ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Aal Ash Shaykh, current Mufti of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia comments:“Allah judged that no person shall bear the burden of another person’s sin due to His absolute justness.” The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, informed us that Allah said:“O My Servants, indeed I have prohibited injustice for myself, and I have prohibited it amongst you.”The noble scholar; ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Aal Ash Shaykh comments:“This is general to all mankind, whether they are Muslim or not, it is not permissible for any one person to oppress another even if they were enemies or harbored hatred for one another. Enmity and hatred do not authorize anyone in the legislation of Islam to be unjust or practice oppression.”The former Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez ibn Baaz states:“It is not permissible for Muslims to transgress upon non-Muslims, not in their person, their wealth or their reputations if they are formal residents in a Muslim country, have a treaty with Muslims or are under Muslim protection, rather they must be given their rights. Muslims must not transgress upon non-Muslims by stealing from, betraying or cheating them with regards to their wealth. Likewise they mustn’t physically transgress upon them by hitting them and so on. The fact that they are residents, under treaty or protection secures them from that.”The noble scholar; Salilh al Luhaydan, chairman of the higher judiciary council of Saudi Arabia states:“During battles, the Messenger of Allah would advice the army:“Do not kill women, children, the elderly and those devoted to worship in their religious centers.”This means that Islam does not permit killing anyone except those who kill, wage war or oppress Muslims.”An Nawawi, a distinguished scholar from the 12th century states:“There is a consensus amongst the scholars that killing women and children is prohibited in battle except if they themselves engage in battle.”

Islam - The Religion of All Prophets
Last Updated ( Sunday, 15 October 2006 )

Friday, September 12, 2008

Terrorism and Revolt

Terrorism and Revolt

Date Originally Published: 14/09/01

An Immediate response to the onslaught against true orthodox, moderate Islaam and the false-allegations that Islaam is a religion of Terror. The following appeared online right after Sept. 11, 2001. A variety of clear-cut answers from the Scholars of the Ummah. (14/09/01)
A collection of fatawaa (Islamic Rulings) on Terrorism 
and their Terrorist Figureheads, a clarification of the Salafee view and a contrast between pure revolutionary Renegades.

We invite our brothers and sisters to visit the following section of

The section tackles many misconceptions and clarifies the Salafee stance against Terrorism, from the posts:

O Muslims! Fear Allah And Don’t Sympathise With Zarqaawee
Excerpts taken from an article from Ash-Sharaq Al-Awsat
By Abdul Muhsin Al-‘Ubaykaan (A senior scholar from Saudi Arabia)

There is no doubt that every Muslim, who is eagerly concerned about their religion and enthusiastic to (protect) the reputation of their nation, is delighted to hear about the decline of a deviant ideology that is attributed to Islam, when in reality it does nothing but smear (the religions) true image.

A deviant Kharajite ideology that has declared the blood of the Muslims and innocent non-Muslims to be lawful game; it has relished in pronouncing Muslims to be infidels, and it has vigorously endeavoured to destroy and bomb. (An ideology) that has stained the image of Islam and the Muslims, and it has caused many evils which cannot be enumerated and cannot be calculated by any one person.

This Kharijite ideology has produced many ills. From them: this malicious onslaught against the Muslims in general- emanating from many different angles, assaults upon the methods of teaching practised in the Muslim lands, (it has been utilized) as a blockade to the Book and the Sunnah, occupation of Muslim lands, and the captivation of innocent people due to mere speculation. All of this has resulted from this chaos and confusion, and from the war between (the lunatics) of Al-Qaa’idah and certain countries.

Yes, the fact that this ideology has begun to vanish, its symbolic figures are being humiliated and its leaders are falling brings joy to the heart. But sadly we see some of the Muslims continuing to show sympathy to Az-Zarqaawee or to whoever will replace him. Az-Zarqaawee who adopted the wretched ideology of Al-Qaa’idah, this is no more than the belief of the Kharijite, Takfeeris; and it has not brought any benefit to the Muslims whatsoever.

These sympathisers feign blindness to these barbaric, criminal acts, perpetrated by Az-Zaqaawee and his organisation inside and outside of Iraq, that oppose (the laws) of the religion and that cannot be fathomed by sound intellectual reasoning. It is visible to everyone with two eyes to see that Zarqaawee’s actions are not only traceable to Iraq; rather they have spread to other places. This man has (monstrous) ambitions in many arenas; he has explicitly voiced his aspirations, in both speech and action. An example of this is the bombings that occurred in Jordan and massacred those inviolable souls.

Islam is totally innocent of these ideologies and misguided acts. Even Jihad in the path of Allah has stipulations and guidelines that have to be met.

Using the name of Islam and (a twisted) understanding of Jihad to spread anarchy in the ranks of the Muslims, declare their blood and wealth to be lawful, cause disunity and division, weaken their position, empower their opponents against them and blemish the appearance of Islam in the most awful manner- acts such as slaughtering a human by slicing their jugular vein and then showing this to millions through the media outlets- has led to some people fleeing from Islam and detesting the Muslims, because the activities of these weirdoes that have nothing to do with Islam or the Muslims.

Translated by Hassan As-Somali

Questions on the Sept. 11th US Fitnah Answered by al-'Allaamah 'Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree

From Amongst the Questions:

Is it Permissible to shave my beard in this time of Fitnah?

Can we show our support for America by buying flags?

Isn’t Suicide Forbidden, I ask because many Muslims see this as a source of victory?

Is it permissible to pray in my car for fear of being attacked?

Many Masaajid have been attacked, My parents are asking me to pray at home, what should I do?

Many Masaajid in my area (California) have candle-light vigils, what is the correct way to show concern for what happened?

Is it permissible to make Du’aa for those who were killed?

What can Muslims do to make Hijrah, where is the best place to make Hijrah to?

What is the ruling on the Muslim who kills a kaafir and is in the Muslim land, is it permissible to turn him over to the kuffaar authorities?

Many Muslims have gathered with the Jews and Christians to have prayer services, is this Kufr?

If the Muslims are attacked in Afghanistan, what should be the stance of the Muslims in America?

The True Islaamic Stance towards the Sept. 11th US Attacks - An admonition from al-'Allaaamah Saalih Ibn Sa'd as-Suhaymee

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee is one of the Scholars of al-Madeenah of whom Imaam Ibn Baaz once called a person of ‘uprightness, knowledge and sound 'aqeedah.’ The Shaykh speaks on the ruling in Islaam in regards to the happenings on Sept. 11th. He states ‘This is not permissible in the deen of Islaam’ and ‘This is something that wasn’t done by the Salaf’. He goes on to say ‘This is a form of oppression on Muslims and non-Muslims’.

The Shaykh requested that the Muslims in N. America make clear that these actions are not from Islaam by saying, ‘Muslims in America should make clear the Islaamic position on these actions and incur the people not to blindly follow the opinions of the Media’.

Q&A follows the admonition including questions about the Taliban. From the answers the Shaykh mentioned ‘some people wish to do good for Islaam but because they have errors in ‘Aqeedah they do more harm’. The Shaykh mentioned that this issue is not clear; some of the names of the bombers mentioned by the media are names of dead people. The Shaykh also mentioned that if A Muslim did this, he is not a Kaafir but he is a sinner and one with deficiency in Eemaan.

Regarding those who are overjoyed with the Sept. 11th attack, the Shaykh said: ‘did you check with the Scholars before you rejoiced at these attacks, Fear Allaah and don’t follow your emotions, do not give a bad impression of Islaam’. The Shaykh mentioned ‘Do not sit with those people.’

The Advice of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Baaz (D.1420H) to Usaamah Ibn Laadin al-Khaarijee and A warning and Advice to all those who traverse his path

Said Shaykhul-Islaam ’Abdul-’Azeez Ibn ’Abdullaah Ibn Baaz (d.1420H) – rahimahullaah, “So my advice to al-Mas’aree, al-Faqeeh and Ibn Laadin and all those who traverse their way is to leave alone this disastrous path, and to fear Allaah and to beware of His revenge and His anger, and to return to guidance and to repent to Allaah from whatever has preceded from them.”

A concise warning from Imaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) to Usaamah Ibn Laadin. The extremist takfeeree who rejoices in making takfeer mu’ayyin of the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah and the Muslim rulers all in the name of Islaam. Ibn Laadin's disgusting, vermin-laden doctrine of mass-takfeer was not excluded from even the eminent Imaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah).

Fataawaa From the Imaams of Salafiyyah Concerning Rallies and Demonstrations and Additional Guidelines Concerning Revolt and Takfeer in Light of the Algerian Affair From the Fataawaa of Imaam Ibn Baaz (d. 1420H), al-'Allaamah Ibnul-'Uthaymeen (d. 1421H), and al-Muhaddith Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d. 1420H)

Allaah the Glorified and Exalted said, “And do not kill a person whom Allaah has declared unlawful, except with due right.” [Sooratul-An’aam 6:151]

Allaah – the Lord of the Worlds – said, “And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath and the curse of Allaah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him.” [Sooratun-Nisaa‘ 4:93]

Said Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420H) – rahimahullaah, “We support everyone who calls for the refutation of those who come out against the Rulers, and those who encourage the Muslims in coming out against the Rulers.” [Fataawaa al-’Ulamaa‘il-Akaabir (p. 97)]

Said al-’Allaamah Ibn Baaz (d.1420H) – rahimahullaah, “If anyone from amongst the callers in Algeria said about me that I said to them, ‘Assassinate the police, or use weapons in the call to Allaah,’ then this is wrong, it is not true. Rather, it is a lie!”

Said Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen (d.1421H) – rahimahullaah, “We view it obligatory upon them to put down their swords and to meet in peace. And if not, then they must endure the continuance of those who fight and take wealth by force and rape the women. Since they are responsible for it in front of Allaah the Mighty and Majestic. And the obligation upon them is to come back.”

The Fatwaa of Imaam Ibnul-'Uthaymeen Concerning the Algerian Affair and additional Guidelines Concerning Terrorism and Revolt

Allaah – the Lord of the Worlds – said, “And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath and the curse of Allaah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him.” [Sooratun-Nisaa‘ 4:93]

Shaykh Ibnul-‘Uthaymeen– rahimahullaah advised the Algerians: So my advice to you is that you put down the weapons and to establish peace and to answer what the government calls for from peace and benefit. Thereby the community can reach mutual understanding and rule by the Book and the Sunnah. This is something in which there will be much goodness and avoidance of fitan (trials, tribulations) and fighting. I mean that putting down the weapons and attempting to establish peace is obligatory upon the masses.

When the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) was asked about revolt against the rulers, he said, “No, as long as he prays.” So it is not permissible to revolt against him, nor is it permissible to perform takfeer upon him. Whomsoever performs takfeer upon him in this case, then he has started a new issue.

The Fatwaa of Imaam Ibn Baaz Concerning the Algerian Affair and additional Guidelines Concerning Terrorism and Revolt

An Important set of questions answered by Imaam Ibn Baaz on the revolt in Algeria and terrorist activity.

The Shaykh states "And if anyone from amongst the callers in Algeria said about me that I said to them, ‘Assassinate the police, or use weapons in the call to Allaah,’ then this is wrong, it is not true. Rather, it is a lie! The da’wah (call) is merely to be done with good manners: ‘Allaah said,’ and ‘His Messenger said.’ It is to be done by reminder, admonition, encouraging and warning."

Ayyoob as-Sakhtiyaanee would call all of the people of innovation: Khawaarij, and he would say, “Verily the Khawaarij differ in their names, but they are agreed upon the usage of the sword.”

The Shaykh also mentioned "As for da’wah by assassinations, fighting or striking, then this is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), nor from the Sunnah of his Companions.

The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “Verily rifq (gentleness) does not exist in something, except that it beautifies it. And it is not taken out of something, except that it harms it.”

Previous Spotlights

Ramadaan: The Month of Taqwaa
"There has come to you Ramadaan, a blessed month, in which Allaah has made it obligatory to fast. During it, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the rebellious devils are chained." Allaah -The Most High - said: "The month of Ramadaan in which the Qur’aan was revealed, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance of the Criterion between right and wrong. So whosoever of you sights the crescent for the month of Ramadhaan, he must fast that month." [Sooratul-Baqarah 2:185]. (October 2003)

Statements of the Scholars Concerning the Fitnah in 'Iraaq
In these times of trials and tribulations, it is most important to stick to the advice and rulings of the 'Inheritors of the Prophets', The noble scholars of al-Islaam. Amidst the cauldron of poisonous lies stirred by the kuffar media, sadly, we find many of the Muslims gathering around the televisions and radios seeking news and clarification concerning the assault on 'Iraaq. Clarification sought from the propaganda paparazzi of the mushrikeen. Concerning the correct Islaamic, Salafee, Atharee, Sunnee position in this fitnah, we advise the Muslims with the advice of our noble Scholars, the beacons of light in our time. (March 2003)

The Path to Attaining Clarification Concerning The Three Fundamental Principles - So this book called al-Usooluth-Thalaathah is from the best books of ’aqeedah (creed) for the seeker of knowledge who is at the beginners level, or at an intermediate level. That means that no one from amongst the students of knowledge is without need of it for the explanation of the correct ’aqeedah and whatever opposes it. Rather, no one from amongst the Muslims under obligation is free of need from it. So it is built to be memorized and have its meaning understood, and it is also befitting of being taught by the teachers and Scholars, not to mention that the issue of ’aqeedah discussed herein are of an introductory nature, with respect to the knowledge of the Islaamic ’aqeedah, which should be studied before every other book. (2001-2002)

Questions from the Salafees of Toronto to the Scholars - Three phone lectures with some of the most prominent Scholars of our time, Imaam Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee (rahimahullaah), al-'Allaamah Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and al-'Allaamah Zayd Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee. The lectures are filled with pivotal questions related to the Toronto community thus providing clear and definite answers to many of the fitan in the city to the joy of Ahlus-Sunnah and the dismay of Ahlul-Bid'ah. We say to those who had doubts, here is the clarification upon clarification. In accordance with the true Salafee manhaj, these questions have been returned to the 'Inheritors of the Prophets', the noble Scholars. The rambling and scrambling for makeshift, open-ended, rhetoric filled answers devoid of scholarly commentary has already began at the hand of the hizbiyyeen. We ask the community to careful consider the answers of the noble Scholars below. (April 2002)

Terrorism and Revolt - Feature length articles and audio presenting the position of Ahlus-Sunnah towards Revolt, Takfeer and Terrorism in light of the Fataawaa of the 'Ulamaa of our time.

Articles from the Fataawaa of Imaam 'Abdul-Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Baaz (d. 1420H), al-'Allaamah Muhammad Ibnul-'Uthaymeen (d. 1421H), al-Muhaddith Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d. 1420H).

Audio from the Fataawaa of al-'Allaamah 'Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree and al-'Allaaamah Saalih Ibn Sa'd as-Suhaymee (September 2001)

Exposing the Deception of Political Activism- A compilation of Audio Lectures from this years National Da'wah Conference in Birmingham and others from conferences in America centered upon the topics of Callers to Innovation, partisan groups and leaders, the manhaj of the hizbees and the roots of today's partisan groups.

Lecturers include - Aboo Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid, Aboo Uways 'Abdullaah Ahmad, 'Abdul-Ilaah Lahmaamee as-Salafee, Aboo 'Abdullaah Hasan as-Sumaalee, Aboo Ishaaq Nadeem (October 1999)

Islamic Condemnation, Of Terrorists, Hijackers, & Suicide Bombers, “The Brothers Of The Devils”

Islamic Condemnation, Of Terrorists, Hijackers, & Suicide Bombers, “The Brothers Of The Devils”
Author: Various Authors.
Publisher: Salafi Publications (11-Oct-01)
Pages: 30

Ibn Baaz said, regarding a group called Jamaa’at ul-Jihaad that is involved in terrorism and suicide bombings, "... they are not to be co-operated with, nor are they to be given salutations. Rather, they are to be cut off from, and the people are to be warned against their evil. Since they are a fitnah (tribulation/trial) and are harmful to the Muslims, and they are the brothers of the Devils (Shayateen)!"

This 37 page book is a clarification of the position of Islaam towards these extremely important topics that are afflicting the Muslim Ummah today. It clearly shows the evil of hijackings and the like as well as a clear insight into the false and rebellious methodology of Usaamah Ibn Laaden. The book is excellent for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.


Terrorism and Bad Treatment of Women In Islaam is Prohibited

Terrorism and Bad Treatment of Women In Islaam is Not Allowed!


Imaam Ibn Uthaymeen on The Khawaarij of the Era

Nothing, except Allaahu Akbar! Allaahu Akbar! Allaahu Akbar!

The truth of Sunnah and Salafiyyah has come and the falsehood of Bid’ah, Hawaa and Qutubiyyah has perished! "Inheritors of the [very first] Khawaarij"!! "Revolutionary Ideologists"!! "A difference in aqeedah"!! "Listen to the cassettes of Shaikh Ibn Baaz, Shaikh al-Albaani, who are upright and not know as revolutionary ideologists"!!

It is obligatory upon every partisan Qutubi and every one who has become confused with the deviations and heresies of Salman and Safar (which are in reality those of Sayyid Qutb and Mohammad Qutb) to finally repent and to publicly disavow them, and to break off their allegiance to them and to their firqah of the newly-arisen Khawaarij and to correct their walaa and baraa!! These are the "Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah" who made takfir of the sinners and rendered them eternal inhabitants of the Hellfire!! These are the Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah who charged our Ulamaa (and this includes Imaam Ibn Baaz and Imaam Ibn Uthaimeen) with the Irjaa of Jahm Ibn Safwaan!! These are the Revolutionary Takfiris who called our scholars "the scholars of women's menses and impurities"!! These are the Revolutionary Takfiris who raised high and aggrandised the Innovators, the Utterers of Kufr and Apostasy, the Mockers of the Prophets, the Revilers of the Caliphs, and Mukaffiroon of the Companions" These are the Extremist Murji'ah of the Era to whom statements of kufr and apostasy and open sin do not harm in the presence of talk of Haakimiyyah!!

What did Imaam al-Albaani say about this firqah? "They have opposed the Salaf in much of the issues of manhaj, and it is befitting that I label them the Khawarij of the era. And this resembles their emergence at the current time – in which we read their statements – because they, in reality, their words take the direction and objective of that of the Khawarij in performing takfir of the one who commits major sins. And perhaps I should say, this is either due to ignorance on their behalf or due to devised plot!!"

What did Imaam Ibn Baaz advise the Minister of the Interior concerning them? "They should be prevented from giving lectures, lessons etc. as a protection of the society from their danger"!!

And for how long have the Shaikhs of Madinah been refuting and exposing these neo-Qutubites, born of the Awakening of their Sayyid?!

Indeed, they have been exposed, repelled, humiliated, and their treachery and deceit all but laid bare, walhamdulillaah!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Is the Definition of Terrorism?

What is the Definition of Terrorism?

"Terrorism is simply a word, a subjective epithet, not an objective reality and certainly not an excuse to suspend all the rules of international law."

- John V. Whitbeck, The Daily Star

John V. Whitbeck, an international lawyer and commentator on international affairs, has cautioned people about the "notorious subjectivity of this word," wherein he says: "For years, people have recited the truisms that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" and that "Terrorism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder."

Speaking about the potential danger of using this word, Whitbeck says, "It is no accident that there is no agreed definition of "terrorism", since the word is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning. At the same time, the word is extremely dangerous, because people tend to believe that it does have meaning and to use and abuse the word by applying it to whatever they hate as a way of avoiding rational thought and discussion, and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behavior."

Expanding on its capability of being used as a manipulative tool, Whitbeck speaks about the "overwhelming, demonizing and thought-deadening impact of the word "terrorism", which is, of course, precisely the charm of the word for its more cynical and unprincipled users and abusers."

"Most acts to which the word "terrorism" is applied (at least in the West)," he continues, "are tactics of the weak, usually (although not always) against the strong. Such acts are not a tactic of choice but of last resort. To cite one example, the Palestinians would certainly prefer to be able to fight for their freedom by "respectable" means, using F-16s, Apache attack helicopters and laser-guided missiles such as those the United States provides to Israel. If the United States provided such weapons to Palestine as well, the problem of suicide bombers would be solved. Until it does, and for so long as the Palestinians can see no hope for a decent future, no one should be surprised or shocked that Palestinians use the "delivery systems" available to them - their own bodies. Genuine hope for something better than a life worse than death is the only cure for the despair which inspires such gruesome violence."

Referring to the danger of abusing the concept of terrorism, Whitbeck warns, "If the world is to avoid a descent into anarchy, in which the only rule is "might makes right", every "retaliation" provokes a "counter-retaliation" and a genuine "war of civilizations" is ignited, the world - and particularly the United States - must recognize that "terrorism" is simply a word, a subjective epithet, not an objective reality and certainly not an excuse to suspend all the rules of international law."

Concluding that the word "terrorism" is "fundamentally an epithet and a term of abuse, with no intrinsic meaning," Whitbeck adds, "Perhaps the only honest and globally workable definition of "terrorism" is an explicitly subjective one - "violence which I don't support."

Scholars want action against extremists-June 2008

Scholars want action against extremists

Reacting to the recent disclosure by the Interior Ministry that terrorist organizations were exploiting Haj and Umrah facilities to bring in foreign Al-Qaeda cadres into the Kingdom, several religious scholars have stressed the need to deal firmly with extremists.

"The Saudi government tries its best to ensure excellent facilities to Haj and Umrah pilgrims and so it is the duty of all pilgrims not to violate the sanctity of the holy cities and not to create law and order problem. Any act or ideology that aims to disrupt law and order in the Kingdom, which is the home to Makkah and Madinah, is an unpardonable crime," said Ibrahim Al-Khodairy, member of the Cassation Court in Riyadh.

Al-Khodairy added that extremists coming to the Kingdom in the guise of pilgrims are not real Muslims, Al-Eqtisadiah daily reported yesterday.

The imam and khatib at the Grand Mosque, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, said that some youths were attracted to the extremist ideologies because of weak family control or the failure of schools and mosques to pass the right message to them. "Terror is the bane of the modern age, a cancerous growth that should be removed," Al-Sudais said.

Ahmad Al-Muwarrae, imam and khatib of a Makkah mosque, said that the extremists send messages to the young people with the aim of recruiting them to perform criminal acts.

"Their aim is to destroy the peaceful life enjoyed by the people in the country," Al-Muwarrae said.

A lecturer at the Prophet`s Mosque and former professor at the Islamic University in Madinah, Saleh Al-Sehaimi, said that it`s wrong to blame unemployment for these activities, as some scholars think.

"There are certain issue that many of our scholars admit do exist in the society but they could be resolved without resorting to destructive activities," Al-Sehaimi said.


The War On Terror Begins with Knowledge:

مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَلَقَدْ جَاءتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيراً مِّنْهُم بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ فِي الأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ
"Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur'an, 5:32)

Corruption on earth is considered a major sin in Islam. Allah said: “And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you in this worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when he turns away from you, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief. And when it is said to him ‘Fear Allah,’ he is led by arrogance to more crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.”

Shaykh AbdulAziz Bin Abdullah Al-As Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia

Read his entire statement on the London bombings here

"And there is no doubt that this act can only be undertaken by one who does not believe in Allaah or the Last Day. You will not find anyone who believes in Allaah, or the Last Day, with correct and sound faith (Imaan), performing this criminal, vile act due to which great harm and corruption has occurred. o­nly vile souls which are filled with enmity, jealousy, evil, corruption and absence of faith in Allaah and His Messenger can perform the likes of these acts. We ask Allaah for pardon and safety."

Shaykh AbdulAziz Ibn Baaz (rahimallah) concerning the attack in Riyaadh