Sunday, March 24, 2013

COVERED GEMS PRESENTS "The Chain of Narration is A Unique Trait of This Ummah" by Shaykh 'Abdullah Mar'ee al-'Adani (hafidah-hullah ta'ala)

COVERED GEMS TELECONFERENCE 24 MARCH 2013 CONTINUES NEXT LIVE TELE-LECTURE @ 2:30pm EST/ 6:30pm GMT <<< Covered Gems Knowledge Seminar For The Sisters

Rectification of The Female Servants of Allaah >>>  ::: "The Chain of Narration is A Unique Trait of This Ummah" by Shaykh 'Abdullah Mar'ee al-'Adani (hafidah-hullah ta'ala), Head of Dar-ul-Hadeeth, Shihr, Yemen inshaa Allah

Lives of The Mothers of Believers by Sh. Mustafa Mubram (hafithah-hullaah ta'ala) COVERED GEMS PALTALK (CONTIN. OF WKND SEMINAR 24 MARCH 13-1:27 PM EST)

Very exciting! Sh Mustafa Mubram will resume today's in 15 mins @Mpubs & @CoveredGems Teleink w/ glimpses into some of our mothers' lives. PALTALK IN BOTH COVERED GEMS AND MUWAHIDEEN PUBLICATIONS ROOMS (Religions/Spirituality Section)